Tuesday, March 6, 2007

TV media turning to the web

MTV is owned by the same people as Comedy Central and these two stations are realizing that more and more now youth is turning to the internet to find quick entertainment. Who wants to wait for a TV show to come on at a certain time when they can watch the whole thing without commercials on the internet? ABC is now showing full episodes of all of their sitcoms on abc.com. You can go back up to four weeks and watch the episodes of over 20 shows. MTV's new approach to entertainment is to have the consumers be more involved. Posting sites and clips online, being able to do their own posts and have more of a say what is being put up on these sites. They are even offering the opportunity to make edits to the television shows. The name of the article is MTV Networks embraces Web chaos to regam viewers.
I think it's pretty much self-explanatory. Instead of running away from the wrath that is internet entertainment, why not join the band wagon and jump in on the fun? There really is no choice at this point but to offer your own services because before long your stuff is going to be on YouTube without your permission anyway, just as it happened with MTV. They demanded their shows be taken off of YouTube, but now they are going to be offering their own clips. In the entertainment business, your main goal is to appeal to your specified, or otherwise all, age groups and what else is there to do but put what you have to offer out on the web where people spend endless hours each and every day. Music clips and several other things are even offered on mobile phones, down loadable with just a click of a button, for only $2.49. Basically everyone is creating their own personality to appeal to everyone. This is what we do as writers too sometimes I think. You want your article to make an impact so you're gonna cater to your audience a little and give them what they want. Even if you want to go against the tide and be your own person, eventually you have to give a little because you want to get known and your writing is not going to go far if it isn't catering to a certain group of people.


* Jen * said...

MTV is actually smart going with the flow instead of against it. I have noticed now that as their shows end they offer extra features of the program online and they announce this as the program ends. Or they leave you with a little clifhanger which you can only get online and not by the next episode. I am sure they are keeping their audience with all their interactive activity online as well. They are doing exactly what they are suppose to do for sucess: catering to their audience " internet savvy youngsters".

leonne said...

There is nothing better than to watch segments or even a whole show on the net. Why? Because of convience. I love this idea. Pick a show you might not have seen and then ...CLICK...and you can see the whole thing. Laugh, giggle, snicker, all in the privacy of your own home. Sound silly? So many of us don't seem to have time to watch anything and having children, they have their own agenda. With larger families TV watching can be a big ordeal. Whereas you can quietly escape to your computer and watch what you want. I love this idea, keep it coming.

Georgette said...

I agree with Jen that MTV is doing the right thing by going with the flow. It is the smart thing to do because face it people eventually TV will be nothing to us and everything will be avaliable to watch on the internet. Yeah Youtube has everything that anyone could ever want on there, but more importantly all the main networks are now starting to offer past episodes so people can either catch up or begin to watch. I do think that one day we will come down to the point of having no TV but that is not for many years to come. I mean if you think about it there would still have to be some kind of TV involvment because of other things such as news and sports. The main thing would be sports. You cannot go on the internet and have a group of friends watch them on a little screen. Knowing the technology we have now I think that one day we will be able to plug it into a TV and not have to have cable to watch it. Boy oh Boy the things that are going to happen in the future just boggles my mind.