Thursday, February 15, 2007

Oscar spokesman steps down

This post is a little unconventional, however I found it really interesting. I read Official spokesman saying goodbye to Oscar an article about 67 year old John Pavlik, official spokesman for the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. And after 39 Oscar shows, he's resigning. He started in 1969 as a junior public-relations executive, his only responsiblity was to bring Oscar winners backstage to the press room. Since then he has met virtually every celebrity, organized several events and seen the history of the Oscars in the making.

This is an example of a man who got a job that turned into a career that became a dream come true. I want to go into PR and to see this man go from nothing to something huge and be apart of such a huge part of America's history (even though its still only entertainment, you still know who Oprah is even if you don't like her acting or her talk show) it is such a memorable job and an honorable position to hold. It gives me hope to see someone accomplish so much and climb to the top; I can only hope I strive as much as Pavlik and make it to the top as well.

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